H2Off - Glass Sealant

  • Sale
  • £8.00
  • Regular price £14.00

H2Off is a easy to use, highly durable glass rain repellent that forms an invisible protective shield on all glass surfaces and rapidly repels water and enhance driver visibility in bad weather conditions. 

  • Water run off as low as 30MPH
  • Months of durability
  • Exceptional water run off

How to apply:

  1. Ensure the glass is clean and prepped using our Glass Cleaner.
  2. Apply onto a sponge puck applicator and onto the glass and apply in circular motions onto the glass to create a haze residue.
  3. Allow to haze for 10-15 minutes
  4. Buff off residue to clean finish. A glass cleaner can be used to remove any remaining residue.
  5. To help minimises wiper judder ensure wipers are cleaned with a cloth and glass cleaner and glass sealant is applied onto the wiper blades
  6. We recommend 2-3 applications on the front windscreen for prolonged durability
  7. A single layer is more than durable for the side and rear window.

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